It’s now been 12 days since Microsoft released a new Windows 10 build in the Fast ring, which means that it’s time. Build 17017 is succeeded by 17025. As expected, it’s from the Redstone 4 Development Branch, meaning that it’s a preview of the next feature update to Windows, which will likely arrive in the spring.
The build is available for those in the Fast ring, as well as those that chose the Skip Ahead option that was offered earlier this year. Now that Microsoft has released the Fall Creators Update, there’s currently nothing to skip ahead to.
Here’s what’s new:
Revamped Ease of Access Settings: This build adds new Ease of Access settings to make your device easier to use and fit your needs. We also grouped related settings together which help you see, hear or interact with your computer to assist in discovering settings more quickly. Additionally, we heard your feedback and improved setting descriptions to help you more easily understand the available accessibility features. Go to the Ease of Access section in Settings to see what’s available to make your computer easier to use!
Controlling your Startup tasks: Continuing our work from the previous flight, with today’s flight we’ve updated the Advanced options under Settings > Apps & Features so that UWP apps that are configured to run at startup will now have a new option to see all available tasks specified by the app developer and their status will now have a new option to see all available tasks specified by the app developer and their status.
Evolving the Microsoft Yahei Font: As our Insiders from China likely know, Microsoft Yahei is the font we use to display Windows UI text in the Chinese (Simplified) language. We’ve heard your feedback, and with this build we’re updating this font to improve the legibility, symmetry and appearance.
- We’ve added three additional weights for Microsoft Yahei: Semilight, Semibold and Heavy. The additional weights will be installed by default in ZH-CN builds, and available as an optional feature to download for non-ZH-CN builds.
- We’ve scaled the glyphs to improve inter-character spacing. This makes reading easier and increases character recognition.
- We’ve tuned the fonts with our new hinting algorithm so that the glyphs will be less jagged at small sizes.
- We’ve redesigned all punctuations and symbols in the new fonts per customer feedback.
Here’s a sample of the updated font – the blue is the new version, the grey is an outline of the previous font:
While there are some new features, obviously it’s nothing life-changing. The changes in settings are mostly just design changes; for example, you’d previously have to go to Task Manager to configure your Startup tasks.
It’s likely that Microsoft will hold an event at some point to show off the major new features that are coming in this update, and then we’ll start seeing some cool stuff.
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